Does Shark Air Purifier Remove Mold Spores? 2024 Quick Guide

Is your Home infested with Mold? Then It is true that your indoor air is contaminated with mold spores, as mold spreads by producing mold spores.

People use air purifiers to remove airborne contaminants, and shark air purifiers are one of the best air purifiers.

Now the question comes here “Does Shark air purifier remove mold spores?

In this article, we’ll understand mold and its effects, how shark air purifier helps in removing mold spores, how to remove mold, and how to prevent mold in our home.

Without any further ado, Let’s understand Mold and its effect on health.

Does Shark Air Purifier Remove Mold Spores?

Yes, the Shark Air purifiers can help you remove mold spores from the air and make indoor air free from mold spores.

It does it by capturing these mold spores with the help of HEPA filters. HEPA Filters can trap up to 99.97% airborne particles of size down to 0.3 microns. 

Mold spores are smaller particles that come in a size range of 2 to 10 microns.

These filters can capture only those mold spores that are floating in the air but cannot capture those mold spores that landed on the surfaces. If you need to remove it, you need to do it manually with the help of a brush.

Which Shark Air Purifier is Best for Removing Mold Spores?

You can consider a Shark air purifier that comes with a HEPA filter. Many models under the Shark air purifier brand, starting from basic to advanced features.

If you are tech-savvy, you can consider an advanced model that comes with smart features.

Anyways, I’ve compared Shark air purifier 4 vs 6, you can consider any model as these are the one of the great air purifiers.

Do Air Purifiers Can Help to Remove Mold Completely?

No, air purifiers are not the only solution for mold spores-free homes.

Air purifiers help to remove Mold spores from the air but will not resolve the problem of mold growth in your home. 

That said, You need to remove mold from the source to remove it completely from the home. 

If you identify the source, you can find out the reason for the growth of mold in your home and then you can fix it effectively.

What are Molds?

Molds are fungal growth, that can be found mostly in moisture areas, dark and damp areas, as there are favorable conditions for growth.

You can find Molds throughout the environment, both indoors and outdoors.

Molds when grown outdoors, it is helpful to nature as they act as a decaying agent. These grow on decaying matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees and plants to break them down. 

But, if mold grows in our homes, then it would be dangerous to our health. It releases allergens that can trigger respiratory problems in our bodies.

In our homes, you can find this mold grows in areas where there is a water leakage or high humidity. 

Your basement is a more suitable area for the molds to grow. To avoid molds from growing there you need to maintain low humidity in your basement.

What are Mold Spores?

Molds reproduce by one of the methods where spores are produced called Mold spores. These are inactive and become active under favorable conditions.

Mold spreads by releasing spores in the air.

They remain in the air until they settle onto a surface. These spores are either inhaled or settle on the surface.

When it is inhaled can affect our respiratory system and can also trigger asthma in asthma patients.

Mold spores become active and grow into molds if the landed surface is favorable for their growth.

Some molds produce sticky mold spores. These mold spores cling to the surfaces and these are dislodged only either by brushing against them or by direct contact.

You can remove mold spores that are floating in the air with the help of an air purifier. But you cannot remove those mold spores that are on the surfaces. you need to remove molds manually.

What are the Symptoms of Mold Exposure?

Symptoms of Mold Exposure

You’ll find that symptoms of mold exposure can be different for different persons

Mold exposure can cause allergy symptoms such as:

  • Runny Nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Skin rash
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing 

You need to consult your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms in you or your loved ones.

How To Remove Molds from the Home?

Molds grow in your home if your home has any water leakage or high humidity.

Identify the Cause:

First of all, you need to find out the cause of this mold growth. 

If it is due to water leakage, you need to fix it. If it is due to high moisture, then you need to use a dehumidifier.

When the actual cause of mold growth is resolved then molds need to be removed before it spreads in the room. 

To remove molds you need be get a brush or scrubber and cleaning agent.

Cleaning Process:

To remove molds from your home, you need to follow the below process: 

You need to wear gloves to cover your hands, a mask to prevent inhalation of allergens or spores, and glasses to protect your eyes from direct contact with mold spores.

Then you need to clean the walls and window sills and also at other places where you find the growth of molds in the room with the help of a scrubber or brush.

Then you need to dry it completely with a rag (if required).

Next, you need to spray cleaning agents on the surfaces to prevent the growth of molds in the room.

If you do not want to do it by yourself then you can take the help of companies that offer Mold removal services. These companies help to remove molds, and also make sure to prevent your home from re-occurrences of mold growth.

How Do You Prevent Mold Growth?

How do you prevent mold growth

Mold grows only when there is high humidity in the room or if any water leakage in the room and is left unchecked. 

To Prevent mold growth in your home, you need to follow the below-given instructions that are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Keep humidity levels in your home as low as you can not higher than 50%.
  • Make sure your home has good ventilation, and use an exhaust fan in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Fix any leaks in your home’s roof, wall, or plumbing to prevent mold growth.
  • Clean up and dry out your home thoroughly and quickly after a flood.
  • If you are planning to paint, add mold inhibitors to the paints.
  • Clean your bathroom with mold inhibitor products.

You can also check out this complete guide on preventing mold in your home from the Environmental Protection Agency.


Mold spores are produced by molds in the air. Mold spores can be dangerous when contaminate indoor air. 

When mold spores are inhaled, they can cause respiratory problems and can also trigger asthma in asthma patients.

Mold spores can be removed from the indoor air with the help of an air purifier. You can use a Shark air purifier to remove mold spores, but this cannot remove mold completely from your home.

To remove mold from your home you need to remove it manually after identifying the source of the mold growth.

Hello! I'm the founder of Here in this website, i share my learnings about air purifiers. I am curious about air purifiers and doing research in this area since 2021.