Shark Air Purifier Not Working: Fix It By Yourself [2024 Guide]

If your shark air purifier is not working, do not fear.

You can fix it by yourself which can save you time and money.

To fix your air purifier issue, follow the instructions in the guide without skipping any step.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step guide that helps you to get your Shark Air Purifier back to working as it should be.

Without any further ado. Let’s bring your air purifier to normal!

Why is My Shark Air Purifier Not Working?

If your Shark Air Purifier is not working, you need to start with some basic checks to determine the issue.

Sometimes, Air purifiers stop working due to some minor issues that can be fixed easily by a non-technical person.

First things first, you need to check whether your air purifier is turning on or not.

Based on that, we’ll start our basic checks to identify the cause of the issue.

Shark Air Purifier is Not Turning ON:

Check that the Air Purifier is Plugged IN:

The first and foremost step is you need to check whether your shark air purifier is plugged into the outlet or not. 

Sometimes, we rush to press the Power button on the air purifier before checking whether it is plugged in or not. 

If it was not plugged in, then you need to first plug in the air purifier and then check by pressing the power button.

If it is not turning on after plugging in the air purifier, then move to the next step.

Check the Outlet:

Next, you need to check the outlet (where your air purifier is plugged in) for the power supply. There is a possibility that because of a faulty outlet your air purifier stops working.

Check the power supply panel, whether the breaker of that outlet is ON, or it got tripped. If the breaker is tripped then On the breaker to get the power supply to the outlet.

Now check the air purifier by plugging it into the outlet.

If the Breaker didn’t trip, then you can confirm by trying to plug any other appliance like a juicer into this outlet to check whether the outlet is working or not. 

If it is not working then there might be a wiring problem in the outlet.

Now you try to plug your air purifier into another outlet and check whether your air purifier is working.

If it is working then you need to fix the outlet issue. If your air purifier is not working then check with the next step.

Check the Air Purifier Power Cord:

If the power supply to the outlet is fine and your shark air purifier is not working, then you need to check the Power cord of the air purifier.

Though your Power cord is made of Heavy-duty rubber, it can also be worn out.

If your Power cord shows signs of wear out, you need to get it changed. 

After changing the power cord, check it and if you find that your air purifier is working. Remember to check the Power cord regularly as a damaged Power Cord can be dangerous.

If your Power cord doesn’t show any signs of wearing out, then check the power rating of your air purifier.

Check the Power Rating:

Now Check the power rating of your air purifier, you will find it in the product details and also in the installation guide. 

And check whether the power rating matches the power supply from your outlet. 

If the power rating doesn’t match with the outlet then that can be the reason for the shark air purifier not working. This can damage your air purifier you need to fix this immediately.

You need to plug your air purifier into the outlet that matches the power rating.

If your air purifier’s power rating matches with the outlet and still your air purifier is not working then it can be an internal wiring issue in your air purifier. 

For any internal issue with the Shark Air purifier, you reach out to the Shark Air purifier service center for further assistance.

Shark Air Purifier is Turning ON:

If your Shark air purifier is turning ON and you feel that your air purifier is not performing well or it’s not working at all.

Then you need to follow the step-by-step guide to fix your air purifier issue.

The following can be reasons for your air purifier not working. We’ve covered solutions for different issues mentioned below.

If this doesn’t help you out then you need to reach out to the Shark Air purifier service center for assistance.

Clogged Filter:

Why is My Shark Air Purifier Not Working- Clogged Filter

When you run your air purifier in a room or office, the air quality is improved by capturing airborne particles on the filter.

These particles build up on the filter and block the filtering of the air.

A clogged Filter can’t filter the air more effectively which can lead to poor room air quality.

So, the solution to this issue is to clean the filters by carefully removing them from the air purifier.

Before cleaning you need to check whether your Shark air purifier filter washable or non-washable.

While cleaning, you need to ensure to cover your face with a mask and glasses for your safety.

Once you clean your filters, you place them in the air purifier and check the performance of your air purifier.

This should resolve your issue as the major reason for low performance or not working properly is a clogged filter.

Insufficient Airflow:

The air purifier needs enough airflow for its good performance and results. If the supplied airflow is insufficient then the air purifier doesn’t work efficiently.

Another reason for your air purifier not working could be that you recently replaced the filter of the air purifier and you didn’t remove the packaging of the filter.

Filters come with protective packaging, that needs to be removed before use.

To resolve this issue, you need to remove the filter packaging and then check the air purifier, this should resolve your issue.

If it doesn’t resolve your issue, another reason could be fan speed.

Fan Speed:

Now, you need to check the fan speed of your air purifier.

If your fan speed is low, then change the fan speed or change it to Auto Mode.

The auto mode feature in the air purifier adjusts the fan speed according to the air quality.

Hopefully, this should fix your air purifier issue.

If it also didn’t work out, then you need to contact the service center to check the internal issues of your air purifier.

Unresponsive Controls:

Why is My Shark Air Purifier Not Working-Unresponsive Controls

Sometimes, the Control panel of the air purifier malfunctions, which makes the Air purifier not work properly.

Firstly, you need to check whether the power cord is plugged correctly into the outlet and if it is not plugged in, then make sure to plug it in and check the air purifier.

If that doesn’t fix the issue, check the filter placement in your air purifier. If the filter is not placed properly then you may face this issue.

You need to remove the filter and place it properly in an air purifier and then check the air purifier.

Lastly, check whether there is any damage to the air purifier control panel.

If you find any damage, then you need to contact the Shark air purifier service center for control panel repair or replacement.

Motor Malfunction:

An air purifier uses a motor to pull indoor air and push it through filters. If the Motor has issues then your air purifier will not work efficiently.

Sometimes, your air purifier motor malfunctions due to wear and tear of an air purifier. 

If it is not under warranty, then you need to contact a service center for assistance to get it repaired or replace it with a new motor.

If you have been using this Shark air purifier for a long back, I would suggest getting a new one. I’ve compared Shark air purifier 4 vs 6, which would help you to choose the right one for your room.


Many of us might have faced the issue of air purifiers not working. One of the reasons for this can be the wear and tear of the air purifier.

We’ve covered the basic checks that help you fix the issue and bring your shark air purifier into working mode.

You can also consult your product manual or keep this guide handy by bookmarking this article.

If the issue is not resolved, we recommend you contact the customer service support team for further assistance.

Hello! I'm the founder of Here in this website, i share my learnings about air purifiers. I am curious about air purifiers and doing research in this area since 2021.