How To Get Rid of Ferret Smell in House

Are you worried about the Ferret odor in your House? And also looking for an answer to this question, How to get rid of Ferret smell in House?

Do not Worry! You can remove the ferret smell from your room. 

Ferret odor can be removed by performing these activities regularly such as cleaning the cage and litter box, providing hygienic food to the ferret, and bathing them regularly. 

You can also use air purifiers to remove ferret odors effectively from your home and it also provides clean and fresh air for breathing.

In this article, we will go through the sources of ferret odors and also look in detail at the methods used to remove this smell from the house.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Sources of Ferret Smell in House

Before looking for methods to remove ferret odor, you need to understand the exact sources of this odor in your house. 

After understanding this, you can either remove the source or if not minimize the odor.

The primary source of the odor can be the Ferret itself. Ferret releases odor from the Anal glands and Skin glands.

Anal Glands:

Ferrets have these glands in their body in the anus. It produces strong musky scents if they see any danger or to escape from predators. This helps them as a defense system.

The odor from this gland also helps ferrets as a communication system with other ferret animals.

Ferret also releases strong odors from these glands if they want to mark it as a territory.

Skin Glands:

Ferret also releases odor from the skin glands. These glands are present throughout the body and they release oil.

The oil produced has a musky strong smell. It is found that oil from the body of a ferret can be removed if the ferret bathes.

If you try to remove the oil/odor by excessive bathing, the body again produces oil to replace dryness, which would be stronger. So. it is recommended to bathe ferrets once a month.


If your ferret moves freely around in your home and plays on your sofa then you will find that sofa, rug, and carpet smells the odor.

You need to vacuum your sofa, carpet, and rug regularly to ensure the elimination of odor in your room.

Ferret Living Area:

If a Ferret is confined to a specific area or room, then you can easily clean that area regularly to remove the odor.

If Ferret lives in a cage most of the time, then you need to clean the cage regularly and also make sure deep cleaning is done once a month.

You also need to consider cleaning the items ferret uses such as the Litter box, and ferret toys.

How to Get Rid of Ferret Smell in House

Knowing the sources of the odor, now it would make your job easy in removing the odor from the room.

You need to follow the below-mentioned methods to have clean, odor-free, and healthy air along with the companionship of ferrets.

Check the Ferret Diet:

Ferrets are purely carnivores animal. They cannot be fed with vegetables, fruits, and fiber.

You need to check their diet plan and you need to provide raw meat and bones to them. Feeding the ferret with a proper diet will make them healthy and reduce the release of odor from their body.

If you provide food that is not suitable for their body such as vegetables then their stool produces a lot more bad odor.

Clean the Cage:

Ferret Cage can be another source of odor in your home. Ferrets spend most of their time in their cage for sleeping, playing, and eating.

You will be finding traces of urine stains, feces, and food in the cage. That needs to be cleaned regularly to remove the odor from the room. If not these get buildup in the cage and produce a strong odor.

It is recommended to clean the cage once a week. This includes changing the bedding and removing the food and dust from the corners of the cage.

And Deep cleaning should be done once a month. In this cleaning, you will be cleaning the entire cage covering every corner of the cage.

Clean the Litter Box:

Using a Litter box for your ferret is the best way to avoid ferrets urinating and defecating around the room. This training helps ferrets to use litter for urinating and defecating.

It also reduces the job of cleaning the entire room as you just need to clean the litter box.

It is recommended to clean the Litter box regularly to avoid piling feces in the box as this can be a source of odor in your room. 

You also need to change the litter at regular intervals. Make sure to use good absorbent litter in the box.

While cleaning you need to make sure that you leave a few droppings in the box, this reminds ferrets to use the litter box for defecation.

Bath Ferrets Regularly:

You will be observing that bathing a ferret is an easy way to remove odor from the ferret. 

As bathing helps to remove the essential oil from the ferret’s body, later to overcome that dryness, the skin of the ferret produces more oil thus causing more bad odor. 

It is recommended to bathe your ferret every one or two months.

Make sure to use ferret-safe shampoo while giving a bath.

Clean the Ears Regularly:

You need to consider cleaning your ferret’s ear regularly. Ferret ears accumulate wax and this can produce odor from the body.

Make sure to clean your ferret ear’s once a week

To clean the ears, you need an ear-cleaning solution and a cotton swab to remove the wax. Be careful while cleaning, and avoid going deep in the ear which can cause ear problems for ferrets.

Vacuuming the Room:

If you allow your ferrets to roam the entire home you will be finding after some time that your furniture, couch, pillows, and rugs also stink.

This is because the skin of ferrets contains oil, so when a ferret touches these objects in your home, then these objects smell the odor.

To remove this odor, you need to vacuum the home regularly.

It is better if you restrict or keep your ferret confined to one room so that you can vacuum a single room instead of the entire home.

Use Air Purifiers:

Air purifiers are one of the best options to remove ferret odors from the home. You can invest in air purifiers which are designed to remove ferret odors from the room.

You will be finding air purifiers that are used for odor removal for different sizes of rooms.

Apart from this, it also helps in removing harmful airborne particles from the air, providing clean and fresh air to breathe.


Ferrets are found to be one of the best pets to have in our home. Their companionship has many health benefits one of them is it helps to relieve stress.

But the downside of this pet at home is it produces an odor that can linger easily in the room.

To remove the odor from your home, you need to clean the sources of this odor to either completely eliminate this odor or minimize this odor.
Hope we answered your question How to get rid of Ferret smell in House?

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