How Do You Get Rid of FiberGlass Dust in the House (2024 Guide)

Fiberglass dust is released when there is any construction or renovation using fiberglass at your Home

If proper measures are not taken while trimming, cutting, or sawing fiberglass then these particles can contaminate your home.

If it is so, then I have a question for you. How do you get rid of fiberglass dust in the house?

Thinking about how to answer this question! Let me tell you about fiberglass.

Fiberglass dust is dangerous to our health. It irritates our eyes, nose, and skin if we get exposed to these particles. 

when inhaled in significant amounts, this can cause asthma or bronchitis. So you need to ensure to protect yourself and your loved ones from these particles.

Now, If you are worrying and suspect that you’re house is contaminated with fiberglass dust. Do not worry!

In this article, we covered you I have explained in detail how to remove fiberglass dust from the house. I have covered different approaches to remove this dust efficiently from the House.

Fiberglass dust can be removed from the house either by taking professional help services or doing it by yourself with caution. If you planning to do it by yourself then you need to protect your body with protective gear while cleaning.

To remove fiberglass dust from the indoor air, you need to get an air purifier for fiberglass, and to remove it from the surface you need to use a vacuum cleaner. 

What is Fiberglass Dust?

Fiberglass dust is fiberglass particles that are airborne while trimming, cutting, or sawing the fiberglass.

These particles are small in size that cannot be seen by the naked eye. 

You can confirm with the help of a fiberglass test kit to know whether your home is contaminated with fiberglass dust or not.

However, when there is any construction or renovation done in your home using this fiberglass, then there are chances of the house getting contaminated with fiberglass.

Fiberglass dust particles are dangerous to our health. We need to ensure less exposure to these particles.

Symptoms of Fiberglass Dust Contamination

Fiberglass particles when exposed can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and skin

When these particles are exposed in higher amounts it can cause asthma or bronchitis.

It is advised to consult a doctor immediately if you think you had contact with fiberglass dust particles.

There is no medical test to show whether you have been exposed to fiberglass dust particles.

How Do You Get Rid of FiberGlass Dust in the House?

If there was any construction or renovation in your house and Fiberglass was used. 

Then you need to confirm the house was contaminated with the fiberglass dust with the help of a fiberglass test kit.

If the test result is positive, then,

You need to take immediate steps to remove this dust from your house so that these dust particles don’t affect your health.

To remove these particles, you can take help from professionals who are experts in removing these contaminants from your home. They charge you for their service.

If you don’t want to spend money on this service, you can choose the DIY approach as an alternative. In this, you need to spend your time and energy to clean these particles from your house.

How Do You Get Rid of FiberGlass Dust in the House

Steps To Follow on How To Remove Fiberglass Dust in The House:

While removing fiberglass dust from the home, you need to take precautions to avoid getting in contact with these particles on your skin, eyes and also avoid inhaling these particles.

Wear Protective Clothes:

First, you need to wear protective clothes to avoid exposure to these dust particles on your skin. 

You need to choose protective gear that comes with goggles, a mask, and a suit to cover your complete body. This ensures that you will not be in contact with this dust.

Find Out the Source of Contamination:

Next, you need to find out the source of the contamination to prevent more spreading of these particles into the house. 

For this, you need to look at the insulation system, duct system, and also the products made of fiberglass.

After identifying the source, you need to make sure to remove it from the home. 

You need to cover and sealed it, to ensure these are not released into the air.

Clean the Items:

After removing the source from the room, now you need to clean the items available in the house. 

Particles might be settled down on the surfaces of the furniture, floor, ceiling, and windows.

You need to clean it with a damp cloth by wearing gloves and mop with a damp cloth on the floor. 

Ensure that you do a thorough cleaning as any particle left can be dangerous.

Remove the Items That Cannot Be Cleaned:

If there are items that cannot be cleaned with a damp cloth, then it is better if you remove these items from your house.

That item should be sealed completely and that should be removed from the home. 

If you keep this item in your house then the settled fiberglass particles can be released in the air.

Use HEPA Cleaner To Remove The Particles:

To remove particles from the surface, you also need to use a vacuum cleaner for effective cleaning of the surfaces.

It is recommended to use a HEPA vacuum cleaner as these are effective in removing particles that are settled on the floor or surfaces.

And to remove airborne particles, you need to use a HEPA filter air purifier

After Cleaning Ensure Good Ventilation:

Once the cleaning of the fiberglass dust in your house is completed, then you need to ensure good ventilation in the house.

For this, you need to open all the windows for fresh air in your home.

You can also use an air purifier that filters the particles present in the air and provide clean and fresh air in the room.


Fiberglass dust particles are released if there is any construction and renovation occurs or if there is a disturbance to the insulation system.

As these particles are dangerous to our health. You need to find a solution to this question How do you get rid of fiberglass dust in the house

You can clean this dust from the house either by taking help from professionals or doing it by yourself.

If you want to clean the house by yourself you can follow the steps mentioned in this article. 

We hope this article will benefit you and will help you to rid of fiberglass dust in the house. Also do share this article with your loved ones and educate them about fiberglass dust particles.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

How Harmful is FiberGlass Dust?

Fiberglass dust particles are harmful to our health as they can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and throat.

If you are exposed to a high amount it can cause asthma or bronchitis.

Can an Air Purifier Remove FiberGlass Dust?

Air Purifiers can be used to remove fiberglass dust if they are in the air. With the help of a HEPA filter Air purifier, you can remove these particles from the air. 

But those particles that are settled on the surfaces cannot be removed with the help of an air purifier.

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